On September 3, 2019, the head of the Social Work Bureau of Hefei High-tech District, Director of An Ping District, Director of the Teaching and Research Office, Zhang Dan, and Principal Li Zhongxuan, accompanied by Mr. Bei Wenbiao, and The Principal, Ms. Yang Xiaohua, conducted a comprehensive inspection and supervision of the preparations for the start of the new semester.
The inspection team carried out in-depth research on the preparation of education and teaching, such as the preparation of classrooms, walking into independent functional venues, and consulting data, and carried out in-depth research on the educational and teaching preparations, such as teachers' and students' attendance, book distribution, curriculum settings, teacher preparation, teaching work plan, "four forms" on the wall, etc. They checked the result of reducing the burden of the students, assignment arrangement, fee management and other standardized implementation of school requirements. At the same time, they went to the school canteen to check food safety and various operating procedures, carefully check the campus fire and laboratory safety, food hygiene management, infectious disease prevention and control of the implementation of the implementation.
Finally, the inspection team heard the principal's report on the opening work, and highly appreciated the work of the school of just one year, the preparation for the opening of the new semester.